Since 2010, Regina Varnienė-Janssen has been Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University. She teaches courses on information processing and retrieval and cultural project management. From 1992 until 2010, she was Deputy Director of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania and from 2011 until 2016, Director of this Library’s Centre for Digitization and the Virtual Electronic Heritage System. She is the author of over 80 scientific and methodological publications and reports on bibliographic control, cataloguing, standardization, digitization and information management. Her involvement in the activities of various international and national organizations includes membership at the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) (2003–2007), IFLA’s UNIMARC Standing Committee (1999–2003), the Governing Board of the International ISSN Centre (2000–2007) and the Standing Committee of IFLA’s Bibliographic Section (2003–2012). In 1998–2010, she was Chairperson of the Technical Committee 47 “Information and Documentation” of the Lithuanian Standards Board and since 1998 until now, member of IFLA’s ISBD Review Group. During the recent decade, she initiated and managed the following national projects: a project for establishing a nationalorphan works database and harmonizing it with the EU Orphan Works Database (2015), “Presenting Works of the Lithuanian Classical Literature Online” (2011–2014), “Development of the Virtual Electronic Heritage System” (2010–2012), “Creation of the Integrated Virtual Library Information System”, etc.